Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

A diet that is recommended for Childhood Obesity

apa itu green coffee

A diet that is recommended for Childhood Obesity
           JAKARTA, Overweight in children is rarely seen as a problem. In fact, children who are overweight, even obese high risk of non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
The role of parents is very important that obesity in children is not continued until adolescence or adulthood. Clinical nutrition specialist from the Hospital Eka Hospital BSD, Elijah Indrianingsih said, the children would not do a strict diet as adults.
Children it's growing, so do a strict diet. We first analyzed the intake of eating during this time as to what, Elia said in Jakarta, Wednesday (10/08/2016).
Elijah said, many children become obese because their daily intake exceeds needs. As a result children who dumped the excess energy as fat. When the child moves less active, such as the rather sit down to play the game, the energy in the body was unused. Eventually the accumulation of excess fat and weight gain according to age.
Excess intake of food that usually comes from a snack food or sugary drinks. Elia said snack unhealthy eating habits is the one who needs to be reduced by a child.
We subtract 500 calories of food intake daily needs. Reduction instead of main meals. But from a snack, such as drinking less bottled tea, biscuits, donuts, clearly Elia.
By reducing unhealthy snack slowly, and better results can already be seen within one or two months. Moreover, children are also encouraged to eat lots of vegetables and fruits, as well as move more actively.

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